When do they remember you - Feb/25
Make them see you for 7 hours total, in 11 different interactions, in 4 different platforms.
Make them see you for 7 hours total, in 11 different interactions, in 4 different platforms.
Why hate man? It is an expensive emotion. It requires a fuckload of caring.
- Johnny Depp
When thinking about the future, the brain does not like it because it has never been there. So, force it to think it and like it.
- MBA Professor Peter McKiernan
First you get paid for what you do, then for what you know, and finally for who you are.
- Bruce A. Merrifield
Besides death, all failure is psychological.
- Jocko Willink
You wanna get rich, you lie to people who wanna be lied to. You wanna make a living, you tell the truth to people who wanna hear the truth and if you wanna go broke, tell the truth to people who wanna be lied to. Don't use the market to make money, use the market to grow money.
- Merril Lynch
When doing a hiring interview to get an employee, ask potential employees to upload a 3 minute video answering the following questions, where those that do not upload at all are not able to deal with technology and/or can not solve problems: -Why are you interested in this position -What do you know about our company -What is your ideal work environment -What are your strengths -Where do you see yourself in 5 years
Knowledge is knowing facts, but understanding is grasping their meaning and applying them. Simply learning theory doesn’t guarantee true comprehension.
When telling a story, do not connect 2 points with "and then". A story must be connected with "but" and/or "therefore".
- South Park creators
If you have not gotten what you want, then you are not worthy of it. And that is ok. Now you can admit that you suck and improve.
Better to know you are bad for a season than pretend to know you are good for a lifetime. You are not making as much money as you want because you are not as good as you think you are. You are not struggling from imposter syndrome. You are a student and pretending to be a teacher. No students say they feel like frauds for trying to learn, you are a fraud when you get up to teach the class and you have never done it.
- Podcast
Brand is created by a firm but the meaning is owned by the consumers.
- Katerina Papakonstantinou (IMS)
The day you think you know everything, you become obsolete.
- Evy Poumpouras
You can't say "I gave up" without saying "I gay".
- Instagram troll page
You can tell the size of a man by the size of the thing that makes him mad.
- Adlai E. Stevenson.
Poor planning on your part does not necessitate an emergency on mine. (Η ανεπαρκής προετοιμασία σας δεν δημιουργεί κάτι επείγον στην πλευρά μου.)
- Bob Carter
Stress does not come from hard work. Stress primarily comes from not taking action over something that you can have some control over.
- Jeff Bezos
No one cares about you.
- Andrew Tate
WWII planes without bullet holes on certain areas, pointed out that planes hit there didn't return. So, they reinforced the areas without holes. This concept challenged initial reinforcement strategies, emphasizing the importance of missing data. This is the Survivorship bias.
- Mathematician Abraham Wald
Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working.
- Pablo Picasso
Using "but" in an argument suggests negativity. Use "yes and" instead.
- TedTalk
Studying game theory, in a game you play with skill (a lumberjack will not think that wood will fight back). In a game involving people, everyone thinks strategically (competitors, owneres, employees, parents and children). It is important to show that you dont play with a strategy.
- Book: The art of strategy
Lift the other person up and give them a good name, then they will do a better job. To increase team productivity, increase healthy competition.
- Book: How to win friends & influence people.
Supply and demand fundamentally shape various aspects of life, driving market dynamics and pricing in economics, balancing emotional needs and support in human relations, dictating property prices and availability in real estate, influencing job opportunities and wages, and steering content creation and consumer engagement in entertainment. This principle is pivotal in determining value, availability, and the nature of interactions across these fields.
- Dr. Theodore Kyriazidis (MBA)
Do not seek conflict even if the other person is wrong. To make people like you, be agreeable and make suggestions, do not give orders.
- Book: How to win friends & influence people
If they don't live the life you want to live, their advice means nothing.
- Instagram quote
When negotiating, provide accurate price to show that this is your best offer. Consider using the phrase "this is fair".
- Book: Never Split the Difference
You do not get what you deserve. You get what you negotiate.
- Book: Never Split the Difference
Master the art of timing. Never seem to be in a hurry.
- Book: 48 Laws of Power
Act like a king to be treated like one. The way you carry yourself will often determine how you are treated.
- Book: 48 Laws of Power
Use absence to increase respect and honor. Too much circulation makes the price go down.
- Book: 48 Laws of Power
Reputation is the cornerstone of power and much depends on it. Guard it.
- Book: 48 Laws of Power
Make those above you feel superior. Do not show your talents too brightly. Book: 48 Laws of Power